To do this, open the Settings app and go to the “Keyboard” section. To type “lmao” on a computer, you can use the shortcut keys “Alt + 9557.” To type “lmao” on a phone, you can create a text shortcut by adding the letters “lmao” to your phone’s dictionary. And if you’re ever in doubt about whether or not it’s appropriate to use “Lmao,” just remember: it’s better to err on the side of caution than to risk offending someone.

So go ahead and use “Lmao” when something funny happens, but don’t overdo it. In both cases, using “Lmao” shows that you have a good sense of humor and you’re not afraid to show it.

It’s commonly used informally online, in text messages, and in other digital communications. Lmao is an acronym that stands for Laughing My Ass Off.